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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

On the Bus and Sea - with audio

audio link

He said my head hurts
The noise blanketed all
With it's backdrop music
Of voices floating and dancing
On the steady grumbling
Of the bus engine

Through the looking glass
Mogan Davids fluttered in the
Hot unseen breath
On and on swam our ship
Round and round
On the black, white striped channel

The sun reached in with a
Right hand of light and
A left hand that warmed the soul
A shomer spoke of Abraham
His footsteps and sweet donkeys
To carry our burdens

A voice called out: trinkets for sale
But the gas prices were too high
No shekels were left to buy
One danced off to Jerusalem
To plan out his Aliyah
Then came loaves of bread and fish

These fed a multitude of hearts at rest
Rows of flowers divided the way
Toward the clouds and looking back
Over the shoulder lay the Kineret
As sea level sent it's greeting
A familiar blast of hot air

On the waves, in the 4th of July
National Anthem rang out
In a far away land
Hatikvah in the sea of Galilee
Boating and dancing
Singing and clapping

Vodka with the mates
Placid waves calm the spirit
Cool winds bless the soul
Lives and hearts in joy
Under the watchful eye of the captain
In the loving hand of HaShem

Around the next bend stretched out
A table cloth of the land's produce
Peopled around by hills and mountains
The silence cried out farewell Galil
Bails of hay in sentry formation
Surveying the rich dark soil

The manufacturer man's building
Stood to the left Like a medieval castle
What's nu with the cows on the way
They speak of Golani guns on the right
A ping pong match of Quarried cliffs,
Up and down, back and forth

Wooded land, Mohammedan
Minarets and more cows watched
Watermelons pass us backwards
Afraid to approach Bet Rimon
But ripe enough for Cana
 Sweet edges of the field for the stranger

A wave of red clay rose up and
Broke nearby, only to rise again
This time carrying bougainvilleas on the crest
Sunset in color they fled away
As a tractored Don Quixote
Shooed us away from an olive orchard

Our eyes drank in the blue reservoir
Puffy white sheep gathered overhead
Shepherded by our dreams
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
For the coming age of Messiah
In each vineyard, under every fig tree

Rabbi Hanasi spoke from the land to
Seal up the writings of the elders
While looking down at Nazareth
From the high perch of Ziporee
Some were jealous of Moses' woman
Turning bone white, and the land gave not it's water

A buzzing voice broke in from overhead
Stir yourselves my friends
Then dusty sabras grabbed the bus
With their knives and would not let go
In the unrelenting wall of heat
Until we stopped to drink and walk.

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