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Friday, November 01, 2013

The Blues and Autumn - with audio

audio link

Autumn came, and with it came the blues
Money trouble arrived with the cold wind
Finances blew away like the turning leaves
My mind and heart became grey with the skies
Mice and traps share my attic space
They conspire with sour stomach and restless shades
To keep me awake at 3 bells
So I take a pepcid and shuffle out of the bedroom
Then down the dark hall to the kitchen
There I have a tea and read the scriptures
These become my blanket and I pray
I pray for life, for family, the sick, government and religious leaders
I pray for people to turn toward G-d and
To remember compassion once again

Sigh, - ...sleep will come again friend
Like magic, the Fall brings back old voices, new fears
The cold doesn't wait for night, it comes by afternoon
It makes me thankful that there is greater reason for hope
Than what my eyes see, my ears hear and my hands can grasp
The feelings puff up my insides and threaten my eyes with tears
Thank God they don't come to fill up my furrowed brow
Like irrigation canals crossing this fallow field
Still that child who longs for the family time and tide of youth
Can find solace in the white and quiet of the biting snow moon
In that place, people and time are slowed -
Down to frozen crystalline stillness

Warmth then can return to inhabit the heart
Like cognac after a winter's embrace or handshake
Perhaps just a smile from a stranger, a kiss from a friend
Or a whiskey poured down the throat whilst fishing on an ice lake
My father's voice comes back to me, now like a flake of falling snow
Always carry a little change in your pocket for the stranger
A little compassion, a little compassion

The past and the present come together in Autumn
Do we cry for the present, are we sentimental about the past?
Or do they come to prepare, to make us mindful of the unseen, pristine,
Glowing diamond ship moving on oceans black?
There to fly the longest journey 'cross silent starlit sky
Sleep will come again my friend, sleep will come
In winter's brightest solitary night
Toward Affection's ultimate day.

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