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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Heavens Looked Down and Remembered - with audio

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The heavens looked down remembered when the creature was once young and beautiful, free and fresh like the early spring. Unique in all creation and the last of
It’s kind.

They remembered how something deep within the creature had reached out its hand to grasp the universe with a hunger that warped the senses.

That primitive thing that had flooded the beast with laughter, and then had cast it off again in a tempest of emotion, or by contrast, when the creature was hurt, how he had shrieked in pain. The birds wondered: “What was the cause of the beast’s moodiness?” “ Was it perhaps a lack of wings?” “Or was it trouble finding enough  to eat?”  And again they chirped, maybe he lacks a song to sing?

Nor could the poor beast comprehend why, but fun rompings, anger and roarings were becoming his protectors and the woodland spirits his guide. Alternately joy and sunshine were his friends, with wonderment and confusion his constant companions.

Dreamlike, he ran over the mountaintops, and rolled down hillsides, then once exhausted the beast often laid himself down in the wild meadows only to rise again and then go further down crashing into the mountain’s valley streams of raging icy torrents.

These became the creature’s power, ecstasy, and pleasure. However, in time, as he began to grow older and great of stature, he came to realize, under his hairy hide, that they had also become his pain and a prison of loneliness.

All alone in the wilderness, peace seemed as far off to the creature as the horizon at the end of day and stars above at night.

Troubled by nights of fear and stupor by day, the creature had grown to become a brutish fearful thing.

For one night by the dark of an unforgiving moonless sky, there in the middle of the forest, he had seen something, a horrific thing, and it had become etched upon his psyche.  There in the center of a small clearing the beast had come upon a buck,  that had been hamstrung, trapped, and butchered by a hunter standing nearby.  Enraged, and tearful the thing let out a terrible roar.

The hunter ran away screaming leaving what was left of the buck behind. But, there was nothing to be done for the poor, crushed, once beautiful forest runner.

Now, the beast had seen the end of things. For the first time in his relatively brief life, his great strength and terrifying appearance could not help the situation. He was powerless, his idyllic vision of life and the world he had once known, lay bloodied and broken before him. 

Something inside the great terrible creature shuddered and died that day and there was no one in all the wilderness to comfort or to help the beast comprehend what he had encountered.

Not knowing what to do, the creature fled and hid away climbing ever higher until he reached the mountain range’s highest peak. There he remained for a time, numb and frozen in the misery of despair and grief. 

One night upon venturing back into the forest and valley, the monstrous beast , in his terror and rage cried out against all creation with these words: 
“ If anything or anyone can hear me, I spit in your eye for all the injustice, the pain and the suffering.”

And once again he roared out: “ If you are there listening somewhere, show yourself, if you are not a coward – tell me why it should be so and perhaps I will not rip you to shreds!”

Then great beast went around throughout the wilderness terrorizing all the creatures with his midnight ranting, roaring, railing and shrill screaming against the moon and the universe.

He went on this way night after night destroying all that was in his path until one night in particular. That night the beast had begun his usual frightening activities but, as he did so there was a rumbling deep within the earth. 

The creature stopped dead in his tracks listening in the ensuing silence.

His cries had been heard rising up above the mountain range and the heavens looked down and remembered….

The beast thought he heard a quiet voice call out to him: “ beast why are you so troubled?” and the beast trembled. Again the voice spoke: “ have I not fed you and cared for you all these years?”

The beast was so frightened that he started running headlong downhill toward the river as he had done so many times before. Only this time the river was swollen and flooding from the spring snow melt and rain storms.

Once again he crashed into the torrent, but this time he was carried far down stream, swirling in the currents until he lost consciousness. In his sleep he heard the voice say, I who have kept you since you were a cub will never leave you.

When he awoke the creature found himself on the shore in a part of the mountain range that he was unfamiliar with, he wondered out loud to himself: “Did I drown in the river?”

Suddenly, his thoughts were broken as the quiet voice spoke again: Peace. You live. I have heard your cries in the night, saw you in your distress, and have lifted you out of the many troubled waters.

The sound of the voice and words echoed and vibrated within the creature’s soul creating a feeling of deep inner warmth and comfort. For the first time in a very long while, the once terrible beast was quiet and his demeanor gentle.

The woodland birds noticed and alighted nearby for a better look. Can this be the same horrible roaring thing that has terrorized the forest? They chirped.

The beast’s eyes had now been opened in such a way so that he no longer saw only the red of pain and the darkness of night. But, now the beast began seeing and noticing the sunlight of day in a new way, afresh, as when he had first roamed and played upon the mountains and in the woodland valleys.

A feeling of great peacefulness had come upon the creature and his coat shown beautifully in the sun. He had been cared for, loved, and rescued. He now knew that he was not alone in the world but that there was a Great Spirit who watched over all.

In his new wanderings upon the snowy mountaintops and darkened valleys the old feelings and questions sometimes returned, but the beast had somehow found the hand of the Great Spirit and was now changed and at ease.

The great beast dwelled and remained in the care of the Great Spirit all of his days until one day while standing at the edge of a great precipice, the ground gave way beneath his tremendous weight.

But, as he began to fall instead of terror, a calm came over the creature. Suddenly, great massive wings erupted forth, growing out of the beast’s broad shoulders until they completely covered his hairy back. To his happy surprise and before he had a moment to think, the mighty beast began to fly. He flew over all the mountains that he had known. He swooped down into the valleys and up over the treetops. On he went higher and higher, and further and further toward the sun and horizon, until he was at last out of sight.

It was rumored by the birds that he had gotten lost and had settled elsewhere. But this was not the case. 

In reality, the great, once terrible creature, his transformation having been made complete, had flown until he reached all the way to the kingdom of the Great Spirit! 

And there he stayed forever and a day.

It is no morbid consideration that the sky is torn. Moreover, It is the beginning of wisdom to discover that one’s journey begins here as a stranger, but ends in another better place. It is the dawning of hope and peace.

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