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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Fraternal Twins - with audio

audio link

So thirsty for the water of good
That a parched blind beggar
Settled instead for mud
Fraternal twins, one carrying, the other caring
Searching and driving each other's onward tread
Pearls strewn about shoulds and shouldn’ts
Black and white in the fertile seabed
Passing by there many a time
To stare and gloat and brood
Hoping in the heart to catch
A hopeful glimpse of purest mood
Or something else to make one mad
But like a river you elude any capture
The eyes disciplined like a soldier
Drawn scouting onward like a seagull
After crabs in the green sea’s sandy shoulder
Page after page scrolling ever downward
Desire deep within ebbs away at the soul
Turning shallows quixotic, beauty, then scoundrel
Till one should watch over and heal the other’s hell
But time and season can ne’er abide
So outmatched are they by a gaping hole
A life force not directly satisfied
A story not to be finished or told
As sunlight reflects and fragments blinding
Downcast upon foaming deep darkest sea
To raise up the mists and clouds above
Sating the earth below with dewy greenery
The lofty lowly self holds the ups and downs of life’s blood
Sometimes spent for naught, but overall meant for good
Not power’s thirst, conquest’s boasts nor bleeding greed
But for the giving of one’s life instead
Laboring in the fields of love’s fertile seed

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