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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dreaming Again - with audio

audio link

I was dreaming again, of untroubled time
But the watchers came and killed the dream
Dressed in hollow lab coats white and clean
With no ears to hear my scream
And secret words behind the walls were spoken
My head hurt and inside my words were choking
The labor of my hand was turned against my name
Wide eye stares and rubber faces
Official chicken gibberish words spake out
Till from deep in the earth rose up anger's shout
My mind could no longer see,
But the grabbing of their collars and slapping of their faces
My words had not syllable, could write no sound, no cases
For the hideous creatures shrieking had no gentleness
The skinner box was closed and the righteousness
Of the headless invisible ones crushed all that was good
Breaking heart and will, looking on behind darkened hood
Oh so tired to carry, that which needs be buried 
The boxer had no place to strike at blood and clay
For the shadows on the wall had all run away
Back to their places behind the day
Back to where they'd been before
Little dictators one and all
Gone home caning in Singapore
Do not chase them, let them go
For anger doth kill the mortal soul,
They like spiders run to count vibrations
Caught up in coolie whispered lies
Those black hole bellied spies
Sucking out all life from the hive
Till they fall fast like broken lines
From the weight of shallow hollow spines.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Long Lost Ladd - with audio

audio link


I'm lookin for a long lost Ladd
I knew him well,
I Knew his dad
I found him on the doorstep
Saw him on the dialpad
But now he's gone away,
I hope not angry,
Perchance not sad

He climbed the bears nest
Divined the sailors' shipwreck
Now on land,
Then again on deck
Where'd he go now,
This son of the Titans
To feed the waif
And fill the wayward
With food and tale,
Folksong and ale

About the meek and strong
Beautiful in every heart drawn,
Till all with sleepy eyes it seems
Are ready for the comfort of dreams
'Tis said a hand on the helm
Gives warmth to the soul,
For those who know the pilot's skill
And so the winds whisper still.....

Laddy, where have you gone to son?