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Monday, June 07, 2010

Time and Being - with audio

audio link

The twisting cloudy mists
Of all that we seek to grasp
Slips away to become
That which we think we wanted
And when we find ourselves
In the place of our desire
A pebble comes to break up
Our reflection in the pool of vision
At that instant the crash of time appears
Violently to rip away part of our life and
For a fleeting moment we come
Face to face with our mortality
In the cold damp tomb of
Our now uncertain future
No matter how we distract ourselves
In the flurry of life
A piece of us shudders
Waiting for the shock of death
To deliver us into
The still and roaring presence of the Eternal.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oklahoma - with audio

audio link

Oklahoma is that state
Which bares the worst scars
Of our country in its very soul
An Indian head penny
Minted and pressed out
In the great depression,
It's land still breaths the threats
And curses of the dust bowl
The spirits in the plains wind
Have drawn from deep wells of hatred,
Bigotry, hardship and bitter sleep
The ground yet boasts of
The blood of black tar
And the willows rest alone
The air is like dusty coffee
The people like a painting
For the clocks there are surreal
The earth is become brown and even
Supported by the hum and bumpy line
Of a bug-like pickup truck on the horizon
Fear not, for Oklahoma is a wide
And mighty roaring river of faith
Burnt and tested golden
In the furnace of time
It will carry each contemplative soul
Back to his or her destiny
Some on a whirlwind,
And that with great simplicity
Don't chase away the blackbird
When you catch his scrawny tune
His song may be the freshest event
That will split the serenity of your plateau,
Save the light of G-d
In the hearts of men passing near.

The Old Oak, In Memory of Robert Frost - with audio

audio link

The old oak stands stretching tall
Full of sweet dripping sap
That smells so like mash
Who's stain of sticky resin stays

As I walk away with turned back
And feel the weight of sunbeams
Coming through his fingers
Striking out my shadow

A ponderous wonderment of strength
In his robust limbs and branches
Casting down cool patches of shade
Baring and bending, filtering light

In that shelter the birds alight
Fluttering along the creaking bough
Their songs a shower of blessings
Flowing down the ripply, wrinkled trunk

Grasping twisted roots find their way
Ants tickling the belly of amber red leaves
That crackle and swish with life, while
From the Old Oak's base flows a legacy

Of warmth to the spirit, and
Refreshment to the soul of creatures
A Spring of words traveling ever onward,
Curling, drifting and working through each eddy

Telling truths and secrets - this one to be sure,
Even as the woolly bed of winter comes
To bring the Old Oak blanketed sleep...
There is Another, Who smiles to see him wake.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Speaker - with audio

audio link

Analogies like allergies
Spring forth like pollen
In the flower of a teaching

Oh those diagrams
Shine like diadems
In the mind of the speaker

Get off of my perception
It's too free to be used
For building up your ego
Which has gotten so huge

Lift up a mountain
Drink up the sea
Capture the wind
Its all the same to me

How is it the man does not hear
What has to us become so clear
That the clouds have crowded his ears

Syllogisms, stories, little jokes
Enthymemes, quips, anecdotes
Pickles, olives, artichokes
All seem so very much remote

To those waiting for the news
Thirsty for some hidden truths
But never there to find

Once eclipsed and passed over,
Behind the blind, drawn
By the words... of the speaker

Leaden Splendor - with audio

audio link

None can
Console him
In his present state
He got up early
Then stayed up late
His mind like butter
In the cold
His actions like those
Of a 70 yr old
His mirror image
Torn asunder
His body cast
In leaden splendor
Makes him
Speculate and wonder
Shall he
Ever recover
Now cast aside
The old sock
Let caffeine break
The mental block
This grumpy soul
Now taken
Shall surely
Sharpen and awaken
Until his eyes
Can clearly see
What the clay is
Meant to be.

On the Bus and Sea - with audio

audio link

He said my head hurts
The noise blanketed all
With it's backdrop music
Of voices floating and dancing
On the steady grumbling
Of the bus engine

Through the looking glass
Mogan Davids fluttered in the
Hot unseen breath
On and on swam our ship
Round and round
On the black, white striped channel

The sun reached in with a
Right hand of light and
A left hand that warmed the soul
A shomer spoke of Abraham
His footsteps and sweet donkeys
To carry our burdens

A voice called out: trinkets for sale
But the gas prices were too high
No shekels were left to buy
One danced off to Jerusalem
To plan out his Aliyah
Then came loaves of bread and fish

These fed a multitude of hearts at rest
Rows of flowers divided the way
Toward the clouds and looking back
Over the shoulder lay the Kineret
As sea level sent it's greeting
A familiar blast of hot air

On the waves, in the 4th of July
National Anthem rang out
In a far away land
Hatikvah in the sea of Galilee
Boating and dancing
Singing and clapping

Vodka with the mates
Placid waves calm the spirit
Cool winds bless the soul
Lives and hearts in joy
Under the watchful eye of the captain
In the loving hand of HaShem

Around the next bend stretched out
A table cloth of the land's produce
Peopled around by hills and mountains
The silence cried out farewell Galil
Bails of hay in sentry formation
Surveying the rich dark soil

The manufacturer man's building
Stood to the left Like a medieval castle
What's nu with the cows on the way
They speak of Golani guns on the right
A ping pong match of Quarried cliffs,
Up and down, back and forth

Wooded land, Mohammedan
Minarets and more cows watched
Watermelons pass us backwards
Afraid to approach Bet Rimon
But ripe enough for Cana
 Sweet edges of the field for the stranger

A wave of red clay rose up and
Broke nearby, only to rise again
This time carrying bougainvilleas on the crest
Sunset in color they fled away
As a tractored Don Quixote
Shooed us away from an olive orchard

Our eyes drank in the blue reservoir
Puffy white sheep gathered overhead
Shepherded by our dreams
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
For the coming age of Messiah
In each vineyard, under every fig tree

Rabbi Hanasi spoke from the land to
Seal up the writings of the elders
While looking down at Nazareth
From the high perch of Ziporee
Some were jealous of Moses' woman
Turning bone white, and the land gave not it's water

A buzzing voice broke in from overhead
Stir yourselves my friends
Then dusty sabras grabbed the bus
With their knives and would not let go
In the unrelenting wall of heat
Until we stopped to drink and walk.

Loss In and Around Old Town - with audio

audio link

As I left Old Town,
I climbed the hills and winding ways,
Then up the airport escalator, and
Finally, through a wall of sound into
The sky. All the while I kept my tears in
A pocket close to my heart. Rings
Within rings and circles upon circles.

It had begun this time with a phone call
Late at night: "Our loved one is dead"
Came those broken hollow words. I didn't
Hear the rest right away. Many, many years
Had passed without my becoming very
Close to this one. I reached into the vault
Of my beating inner chambers and
Began to spend tears one by one, and
Then many as I lay silently in my bed.

Like a rock breaking through the
Surface of liquid reflection,
So the flying behemoth catapulted me back
To the fertile place of the past;
Barreling through time and space
To the hearth and home of before.
Once the light had shown brightly there
But now it seemed to have dimmed.
The wind barely dared to whisper
About the life there once so full
Of Passion and desire, that now had
Faded in the hard water of time,
Like a yellowed newspaper
Long forgotten beneath the fallen leaves.

The moon passed from behind the
Curtain and the dream began again.
I was inserted into my alter ego of
Timeless past; in the city and
Relationships of my youth.
For a brief trickle of time
The magic of the distant glowing one
Played the tides of my soul.
What once was, came again,
although changed, as we all drifted
Along, a little further downstream
Toward the oceans of the coming past

Different this time, yet also the same.
What had troubled me those many years ago
When I had left Old Town,
Rose up again to haunt my thoughts,
And assault my sensibilities.
The chiseled out class-ism
And the clash of the blue collar mentality
With the changing society at large.
The utter corruption of local government,
The misappropriation of public funds.
The condescending attitude
Of small minded prosperity
In the imagined high places
Of some backwater country club.
Throughout the highs and lows
Of each cloistered group,
Generation upon generation remained
Awash and soaked in ornamental drink.
Progeny were sprinkled in a fanfare of substances
While alcohol dictated the lives of the many.
Together with the threat of violence,
Like fraternal twins, they existed side by side
As lonely paths in a futile effort toward
The solving of life's riddles, of relating
To self, others and the world at large.

Excitement had been driven out by slumber
And in the eyes of many the spark
That had once flared, now only flickered.
Once again the world turned the clock
And the wheels of the car turned to
Find the way back to the warmth of
My boyhood home, there the old gears
Of my family were turning.
Death had done what life could not.
Death and resurrection had brought
Our family back together in one place.
For the first time, I could
Connect the dots and view
Those patches of the tapestry,
Left now to our care,
That had once been our loved one's life.

The possibility of death's reality had
Broken in upon my consciousness
Years earlier when my family's best
Friend had passed away and broken
Our hearts.
Now here it was again
A bell tolled in silent dark resonance.
Yet our loved one gave
Once again in death.
It was the gift of meeting with and
Knowing many more of the colorful
Charming members of our clan.
The gravity of this family constellation
Had pulled many friendships into it's orbit,
And together they lit up the black night
With the beauty of their shining brightness.
The tangential power of their world
Had brought me back
Within Old Town's hills
To rebuild that which had been broken.
They had shown me
Another way home.
It seemed that even as one world
Was slipping away
Another one was being created.
How blessed I felt to be shown
The way home once more.

Lines interlocking and strings intertwined,
The thread went through the needle and
Into the eye of the storm.
Then the rain came,
Raindrops from every heart,
Teardrops from the sky.
A cold wind also blew,
But death and destruction
Could have no power over
The dawning spring and
The resurrection of those who have left us.
So the Robins and Cardinals
Announced the season of life.
While the roses put on their best
Show of colors and sweet breath.

Old Town was like an Elisa Dolittle
Scraping out existence
In the flower market,
Or a Cockney sweep,
Amused, sooty, staggering, tipsy.
The sights, sounds and smell
Of the oxygen rich air
Remained as beautiful and pleasant
As when I was a little boy
First experiencing them.
The famed pollution of the
Industrial past had given way
To the tidy quaintness of
A New England College town
Joined together by myriad bridges
Leading to old Gothic Cathedrals,
Giant historic Synagogues
Granite Civil war Monuments,
Vast Cemeteries of the 1700s,
Victorian homes, legends and
Turn of the century mansions
Lining hilly cobblestone streets.
Each perched upon little embankments
Bragging of the grand and storied past,
Involving Vanderbilt, Mellon and Carnegie,
Universities, museums, statues, schools,
Parks, observatories and climbing steel.
All clustered among the ivy, flowers, shrubbery and
The neighborhood of make believe.
The maple trees fresh and dripping sap,
Spinning off their propeller like seeds,
The Sycamores with spiked seed-balls falling,
Dusty leaves and peeling bark, 
The naked Birch, many fruit trees and
Woods, green enough to make a
Leprechaun smile and an Irishman sing.
Robins, Mockingbirds, and Cardinals
Calling out their continuous song.
Rabbits, deer, and pheasants playing in
The plush land outlined and divided
By rivers, Valleys and hills
Into cities, townships and boroughs.

But life in the West needed nurturing.
Family, like magma bubbling up through
Some fracture deep within the granite
Of the here and now.
So it was that my life in Old Town
Should remain only in short dreams,
As the schism of my East West
Lives could not be reconciled.
The waves of life in the West
Called for the freedom to inundate
And I needed to embrace it
For all that was good and right.
I awakened once again In the house of the setting sun
So the spell was broken,
The dream was over,
The world had changed,
Turned and moved on.
I left the time machine for a coffee
Mixed with memories of the past.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Gardner and the Flower

Once upon a time, there was a flower beautiful to behold.
Full of light in a dark kingdom the flower bore the seeds of love.
Her seeds had the power to grow in the heart of the beholder.
Together the flower and the beholder would wait for the sun to
appear over head, for the sun is the source of sustenance.
Without him there could be no love, no warmth, no life.
Sometimes when the weather is cloudy it is hard to see the sun.
It was during these times that the flower and her friend would
assure each other that the sun would be out again soon.
The flower swayed in the breezes while her friend sang.
Whenever the hard rains came the flower and her friend
stood by one another, and although it was difficult to bear up under,
the flower would raise up again soon after the storm. This
then, is the story of how the two became friends.
The man first spied the rose in a field of roses. He was
awed by her beauty so much, that he almost bumped into a tree
branch while gazing at her. She was quiet and bent over for
that day had been cloudy and wet. The man left the field
that day and had almost forgotten the rose, but an enchanted wind
arose and carried one of the flower's magic seeds from the field
a great distance to the man's house and planted it in his heart.
Along the way from the man's house to the field where the flower lived,
were a great many obstacles; swamps, wild beasts, and thickets of thorns
to block his path, but the flower could not come to him
so he traveled to the flower's field. The seed
once planted worked in the man's heart and grew into a powerful
vision of the flower. Now, it seemed to the man that even if there
were Lions in the way of getting to the field, it mattered little.
Indeed as the man drew closer to the flower he realized that she
was more beautiful than his memory's telling. The flower called out:
"I have thorns that may hurt you and the journey is difficult for you
to make." For the field was a dangerous place, and was the flower
to place trust in a stranger when her life was held in such a delicate
balance? Also, there were other flowers to consider. Might
the man in his clumsiness and haste not trample under foot some
of those which grew very close to the spot where the flower stood?
Or might he try to pull me out and move me elsewhere? Again she
called: "My roots are entwined with many of the flowers close to me,
If you take me away others may be injured or lost. " So she closed
her petals into a bud and thought on these things, while the little flower
prayed that the sun might shine. The sun did come out.
His rays shone and reflected through droplets on the flower so
that she appeared radiant and faceted about with diamonds.
It seemed to the man that the sun only shone on the flower.
Soon the man arrived and was careful of the other flowers so
that he did not injure them.  He brought water for the flower
and tilled the soil at her feet. As he kneeled beside her, the
man noticed for the first time the flower's intoxicating fragrance;
it washed over him like an ocean wave. The orange and jasmine
blossoms saw this and were jealous, for all the blossoms of the
field could not compare. Every day, and sometimes at night, the
man came to visit the flower, either in body or in his thoughts.
But thoughts were never like being there with her. So it was
that the man became more and more like a gardener, until it was so.
The flower absorbed and reflected more and more of the sun in
her glorious petals. The gardner and flower became friends.
Then it happened, they began to see that they were made with
the purpose of caring and being cared for. In doing so they
both became stronger and better at caring
so that they began to care for those around them and all
things great and small that lived in the field. He with the
skills of a husbandman and she with the power of love.
The two became very close so that the flower no longer
afraid, opened up again in full bloom. The gardner loved
the flower and she in turn loved her friend. He began to
notice how intricate were the flower's gold tipped
and scarlet petals. Soft to the touch and blinding to
look upon. Also her slender stem and waxen leaves,
which alternately shone in the sun or danced with dew
in the moonlight. She gave shade to all passing below;
From her heart came pollen and nectar to humming birds,
butterflies, ants and bees of the field. The friends
were happy in this newly enchanted place and let
their dreams take flight, for both knew that winter
season would come some day. The season of ice
when all things must sleep. The gardner and flower
shivered at the passing thought. But the sun
shone strongly upon them through the morning mists
and a rainbow comforted them with these words:
" Be assured little ones below, the sun rules the sky
and seasons, he is always shining even in the
darkest winter, and the hand of ice has been
broken forever so that spring may come again,
and so that the flower, her friend and all that live
in the field might dwell in his warm light for evermore ." 
So it was, and so they did. So that this story might be told.
And so it is that they lived happily ever after.

Love - with audio

audio link

Beyond the mountains
Hovering in the gleam about the snow
Splendid rushing waters of the sea
Salt crystal on a fingertip

Creation in majesty
Abounding in the clouds
Within the forest's ancient trees
Seasons shimmering leaves

Through the veil pours a sunburst
See the pollen of a blossom
Softer than a kiss
In the eyes of a child

In the gurgling waters of a brook
A fleck of mineral on a crayfish
As the fresh unseen is captured
Then given in reflection once again.

In you, and me
Much greater than the furthest star
Love fathoms the Universe
A lightyear in our sigh

Summer Night - with audio

audio link

Emerald leaves
In motion
For the night
Mounting waves
Of ocean
By moonbeams bright
In the vapors
Into Nebulae
Little bird
In the Sycamore
Singing on
As if to say
This heart
Is with yours
Sea and forest
Of my vision
In my eye
My heart
Is young
Share your love
With me
Or I
Shall die