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Friday, September 28, 2018

Pale September Moon

The pale September moon called to me as I sat leaning on the table in the Sukkah
She was high and aloft riding on her throne at midnight, sending ribbons of pearly light
In all directions over the surface of the vast ocean known as the Milky Way
The great lady caught my wanton glances as I gazed up at her train and tresses
In a pulsing tumbling halo She turned her face and looked down intently with love –
Covering the curving terra with the blanket of her aura, drinking up the thoughts of men,
 Her fair round cheeks casting shadows of mystery and enchantment
In that moment the moon whispered something to the captivated –
Barely perceptible a singular silent sighing syllable – “ O “ – and brightened a little
Nay, she beamed in delight, a vain and beautiful queen of hope in otherwise darkened seas
Quixotic, In the early evening fat and colorful, while at her apex seemingly cold, opaque and distant
Reaching, holding, casting a spell over all creation, pulling tides, gravity, creatures, and souls
Toward the moon’s hypnotic journey crossing the heavens spinning riddles and bending light
Softy she sings the songs of lovers bidding each evening blossom to release her fragrance
Enraptured, every budding flower and leafy green foliage opens and grows
Together with the nightingale breathing over all the sleeping countryside
Like a wave the great peacefulness of the experience washed over me in the Sukkah
As I continued thanking the Almighty One for life, seasons, friends and family
Under the watchful eyes of the stars and above each diamond an angel wondering in amusement
At the effect that the wonderful regal shining Orb exerts upon the hearts of humankind
To sway and to swoon, arousing at once passion, romance, love and lighter dreams
Some blessings cannot be measured, cannot made completely clear or quantified,
But may be seen under the cover of a Sukkah wrapped tightly in a warm blanket of slumber
Caressed by visions in the night, comforted for a while under the radiant glowing moon
Until the expectant future carries us to an appointed time of beginnings
When, by the glorious light of a cosmic day, a day more luminous than any other
That allows the sun and moon to rest, one that blots out all darkness and night
Giving birth to the healing of all things and the renewal of all creation,
For in the dawning of that hour the King’s fallen house shall be raised up once again
and it shall be written on the horses’ bells and on the cooking pots –
Holy Unto The Lord!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Land of The Big Sky

In the land of the big sky,
Spirits dress in puffy white robes
Welcomed us as they wisped over all
Flooding upon the never-ending blue sea
The mountains showed forth their majesty
 Encircling us with evergreen robed hills
Offering watchful protection from crowning
Floral grassy meadows and denuded peaks
Filling the land with the sweet smell of pine
Wending down through every valley from above
Like the many waters that cascaded and flowed along
The ravines and into the earth’s most hidden chambers
Raging there and in lofty streams,
Wayside creeks and canyon rivers
It seemed as if the peaks cried with joy
As the birds filled the air with laughter
The waters spoke of freshness over the rocks
Rounding bends and with them flowed new life
Sure as the sun called the day out of the ground
And the golden warmth from behind the night
People of far off lands swam the tar roads
Like gondolas along every channel
Floating through swaths of trees, fields, brooks
Up and down they went – round and round again
Montana bragged,
“I am the plain atop the foundations of the world,
And none can see as far as I!”
Wyoming howled in wild derision,
“I am the most free of all lands;
A wolf who devours the wilderness.”
“I roam the kingdom of beasts great and small.”
But Idaho let out a growl that boasted,
“ I am a great and consuming hunger -
The terror and power of the Grizzly Bear!”
Then Idaho attached himself his powerful claws
To no less than six states threatening again,
“ I have capture you and will hold on as you struggle
until one or all of you weaken and tires,
For then you shall become food for my winter.”
But the heavens chided the proud states and sent men -
Who came to humble the land by their very persistant presence
The rocks o’er the precipice shouted, “pour forth ye waters
Clear and green, rush on with your solid looking columns,
Forceful fluid body now collapse away!” and –
The waters tumbled and fell, crashing far below
In violence they went, beneath the rising spraying cloud
Just beyond the beautiful emerald river proclaimed to the sky,
“ I am the most powerful and fair among all the wilderness,
High and low.” “ I cut through the jagged rock.”
“yes, I like an angelic sword riding the wind,
Passionately winding and turning, barreling ever onward,
With a voice that none can stop.”
“ I roar on and no man or flame stops my travel –
I sweep them all away – beasts, bolders, trees.”
“Yes I alone pass through the crystal light and
The dark deep forbidden reaches below earth and stone.”
She went on that way in her rapacious beauty until the river
Passed through the valley and out of sight – until at last
Her tumultuousness was calmly swallowed up by a
Great winding serpent – the muddy Mississippi waters of legend.
By the trail the rams foraged among the brush
Oblivious to all, shielded each by two head butting –
Morning glory like horn spirals to the envy of every petrified mollusk
Left behind in the surrounding sedimentary rock layers from eons past
Indecisive Bison so fickle, now gentle and calm with questioning eyes,
Trotting and feeding on the grass, frolicking and turning over in the dust
Over and over, then swaying back and forth in the passing waters.
So soft and serene is he, quiet like the breeze,
Gazing upon the creation in peace… What now?
Wooly headed soul in competition runs lowing and groaning,
Wrestling, colliding, fighting – You display
Wonderous strength and Stamina against all other behemoths,
Who in turn throw themselves at you with weighty abandon.
How do you survive? With nothing to say, you remain
The most existential of the large beasts of the plains and valleys,
Watched over by vanguards of geese and friendly ducks,  
With birds to clean your coat, you remain contented.
“Look at me!” “Look at me!” he exclaimed
There high up on his perch he sat.
“ I am the king of birds, do you see?”
Larger than a small child was he and without peer
Among all his fellows – regal arched back and neck,
Fierce eyes, a pillar of darkness was he.
With a coat of jet black coal, the Golden Eagle,
Though not the least bit golden, truly is the most magnificent of birds.
But the ravens nearby laughed and mocked,
“Look at me!”, “Look at me!” on and on they jeered.
Until the Golden Eagle responded by taking off  
From his place of rest and showing forth the
Bounteous spreading of his awe-inspiring expansive wings.
As the eagle fanned out his every beautiful feathery plumage
They beat against the unseen wind with a whoosh sound
Until the regal raptor rose high above the trees like the dawn
In confidence and pride befitting his station
He sailed and glided the highest heights with our drifting thoughts and gaze.
The ravens cowered and hid shuddering in the nearby pines.
The bear, embarrassed by his grizzled appearance,
Kept out of sight sleeping in the forrest during the day
Only coming out in the early morning, haunting every boy’s dreams,
Letting out occasional, otherwise unavoidable bellowing growls.
Or perhaps its was just the sound of his snoring after drifting fast asleep.
In any case once could never tell, as no creature ever wanted to venture
Close enough that unpredictable and rather burly fellow to find out for sure.
In another part of the woods and hills the Moose wondered and lamented aloud,
“Why was I ever fashion thus?” Why should I have the body and shape
Of a horse but without any of his beauty?” Again he called out to field and forest
To anyone who would listen really, “Why on earth when I sing,
Do I sound like a bull or a cow on a farm instead of the wild beast that I am?”
And he thought, “ What a strange creature I am.” He bemoaned once again,
“ I have wings growing out of my head, but I cannot fly.”
“I frequently wander into towns as if they were my home.”
None of the forest creatures could console him and so he wandered
Next into a vast lake and informed the fish crying,
“ I seem to be the most mixed up and least cleaver creature
Among all the large beasts of the mountain and fields.”
The ground below the caldron moved in the night.
Steam spouted out of holes and cracks in the earth
Mysterious hot fountains of mist under the stars.
Water worked its way from below heated rivers up
Into pools of emerald and sky blue at temperatures of  
Some 300 degrees inviting the winter ice to cool them off.
After we had been washed clean by the waterfalls, rivers,
High plains, and fresh mountain blossomy breezes,
The earth moved again and its warm trembling
Eventually shook us down the road toward the
Ever opening and widening vanishing point
Like a happy party mix settling down in a metal bowl
We traveled onward in our white van leaving Montana behind
Moving forward like pebbles on minor’s sifting table, water by our side
Vibrating and filtering each sunlit moment revealing gems and nuggets of gold
Until stopping, we landed at the edge of a large stony glacier fed lake.
It drank up the valley and out of its reflection grew grand sharp toothed mountains.
Austere and grey they stood anchoring the horizon firmly and cutting against the heavens.
The face of each peak was brushed with snow and ice had grown, refusing to melt
In defiance of the valley’s relentless rising heat below.
It surely was the mother’s milk of mountains spoken of by French fur trappers of old,
Dwelling just beyond the land of steam, minerals, fires, storms, long winters,
Lazy elk filled plateaus, and yellow stone.

Thursday, September 06, 2018

Wednesday, September 05, 2018



In cool slender silhouettes she 
Of Shadows and light
Playing dancing and merging 
To reveal the world
Freezing time and space into a sigh
Silencing every breath held in suspension 
The unknowable depths of the heart
Shown in this moment 
Of awe and splendor She
Speechless comes the sound
Of wordless utterances
Arresting passion
Even as it moves
Rising and falling inside
Invisible smoldering ink
Within every page

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Rest Comes

In shapes and vapors of the sky
Or on the glow of moonbeams cast about
Rest comes - a gentle angel
She walks in the stillness of dreams
Floats enraptured, enchanted
Gliding upon the ether of sleep
On the outskirts of places forgotten and unknown
Among the quiet trembling of the trees
In the mists of an early dawn
Drawn along between the here and there
Where I was and where I go
A rich rushing canyon river of billows,
Peaceful carriage and turbulent flowing
In the bodiless floating and drifting now
As a vision perplexing the mind
Wonderful, bright, and burnished pure
In the houses and mansions of the soul
Graceful as the wind tracing each slumbering body
She dances o’er the dormant and unassuming
Balancing on the breath and the beating heart
She is the womb that carries dreams
An arch of archetypes and feelings
A flower fragrant in the night
A mirror in the heart - Vanishing by day
Made clear in the revelation of birdsong
Singing for joy under the spell of heaven’s dew
Each morning droplet a blessing left behind
Memories of her cloudy white bridal train

(Pic from Doug Blue - Women Life)

Monday, August 27, 2018

Vikings In Burning Eyes

In bitter winds, by violent sea
Watching long for Norsemen strong
Upon the hard rocks sits she

Eyes of sky, locks of wheat
Waving o'er rose petal cheeks
Tender fingers blue and meek
As the days and nights 
Span into weeks

O waters high 
Churning low
A watery grave 
Is for ye now
Fortunes turning
Upon your brow
To kiss your head
With coin and bread
Or breakers foam
The flooded tomb
In seaweeded 
Jorgmungandr's home

Like the lightening cold and stark
Riding Storm and thunder
The Vikings come from old Denmark 
For conquest and for plunder 

Turning the waves into weapons 
That are swift, forceful and sure
Like great eagles with sharp talons
They descend upon the shore

Striking horror and bloody terrors In the dark of night
Then in early morning and dawning tides flooding 
As dragon boated warriors swept away out of sight

The raiders became unknowing captives 
In spite of their awesome terrible might
For a boy's burning eyes beheld the motion
Of the quaking Asgardians' flight, 
Upon the deep and blue molten ocean 
Waves and swords flashing in the blinding light

Gone from the land a terrible blight,
Yet In fitful sleep he hears them alright 
The Mother tries to calm her child's fright
But the moonless shadows keep on singing
A Ghostly song Ringing, a calling out in the night
Chanting, boasting, shouting 
With gusto and bloodthirsty delight

O waters high and
Churning low
A watery grave 
Is for ye now
Fortunes turning
Upon your brow
To kiss your head
With coin and bread
Or breakers foam
The flooded tomb
In seaweeded 
Jorgmungandr's home

Friday, August 24, 2018


The sightless watchers -are kingsmen come
More necks do they spy
More lives do they seek to plumb
They In Godless harmony

To a quiet place get out now
Take the hog 
And the sow
Dog and cat
Horse and cow
Don’t look back
Run for your life
Or you will end up 
like lots wife

Go to the Synagogue
Drink of the Decalogue
Go to the church
Open up every heart and cry
Heaven thy soul to search
Get ye to a nunnery
Find a sacred tent
Before the bloody leftists
Take thy soul to rent
Go now to monastery
Seek out the apothecary

Teach your children well
Lest the girls say "add to me"
The boys " cut mine away to hell"
There is no place for elders
No place for the child
Spokesmen kill with actions
With flowery words beguile

Who said it’s wrong to question
Or some were weeds to pull
Who offered a final solution
Gave education and media’s masses
A pollution of sullied lies to cull
No place for God in heaven
Unless there’ll be some killin
No place for the Messiah
Unless violent or false religion
The turned around
Can no longer turn away
For the lies whispered softly
Have turned their minds to clay
The compassionate heart melts
Gone in the taken day
But even as blind men bluff
Others see love’s way
To hope and trust enough
In truth’s final play 

Listen and understand
Hear what the wise winds say 
When the leaders
Follow a fallen star
Broken, deceived bleeders                 
Chasing power from afar 
Little birds, the weak and children
Plead: "no molestar, no molestar
Rising above the world’s cauldron
With creation they utter a prayer
Groaning in consternation and with fear
“Save us oh Holy One, save us                                                                                                  From From the tyrannical, pain, tears, death and despair”

epilogue... for see they do yet come for us all

Friday, August 10, 2018

Travel On

They like alligators
Slip into the passing flows
Out from the paths
They follow a rose
As into the sunset

My mind goes 
On to better places
Leave the day behind
Some treasure lost
In the night to find

Back now
To the wanton belly
Of the way –
On the fast pace
Of the black river

Back now 
To the vanishing horizon
Of this event
The curve of the road sinks
Beneath the wheels

My thoughts are left behind
The projected vision
Of red tail lights up ahead –
Locked in a film noir
Of blacks and greys tonight.....

Climbing climbing – pulled
Like a moth in the moonlight
By the magnet of life
The words are gone ..
The pics are gone...

and so am I for now....

Travel on, travel on,
Travel on my friend...

Thursday, August 02, 2018

Little Girl

Little Girl

Who took the joy from your eyes little girl
Who stole the glow of your pearl
Who took the sun away from your shine
Why in your glass is there no wine
Gone is the day, left only blackened ash
Where is the love in your cup little lass
Tis not lost on those who see little girl
That thread of pain in your words little girl
Who put the dark in the way of your sight
As you wither from sufferings in the night
Sweetest one, who emptied your flash of light
A curse on those who have robbed you little girl -
Will not right the past nor the ache that you feel
So I pray that peace set your mind and heart to heal
As fair winds fall gently upon your flowing tresses’ curl
That you may dance and sing o’er field and heathered world
And Jasmine dew fill your life with good once again little girl.

Friday, July 13, 2018

A Lullaby Prayer

A Lullaby Prayer

A Lullaby prayer
After the funeral
Came news of the newborn
In the deep
I saw them
In the waves of time
Standing in the light
Of my childhood home
Asking -how have you been
And -what’s been going on
Would you like a cup of coffee
She asked, but then
I left out
In the night
Of the city
For someone,  
A brother
Of a different mother
But lost in the concentration
I stood among them
On the terraced hills and streets
Throngs of youth
Waiting, watching, cheering
For a concert, football or some event
Once again
I was at a loss and lost
To put together my way in life
But comforted by the display
On the faces of the future
And the hope shown there
Eyes aglow
And smiles in their words
Contrasted by the despair
Like a negative reflection
On the surface of darkened alley ways
O’er those hills and peoples I flew
In the silent craft of surreal circles
Aware of a need
A nagging feeling that
I had an appointment to keep
With yet another loved one
Should I be surprised in
The light of morning
That the times past
The experience present
And the vision future
Are joined in one place
As Family, babies, friends
Life, society, death
With the cold moonstruck dew
Rising into day
Spiraling, Ascending
Toward Completion
In the brightness
The flash of heat
From eternal shores
To infinite oceans
Pure, white
Spirit’s breath
And sight
To new