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Friday, July 13, 2018

A Lullaby Prayer

A Lullaby Prayer

A Lullaby prayer
After the funeral
Came news of the newborn
In the deep
I saw them
In the waves of time
Standing in the light
Of my childhood home
Asking -how have you been
And -what’s been going on
Would you like a cup of coffee
She asked, but then
I left out
In the night
Of the city
For someone,  
A brother
Of a different mother
But lost in the concentration
I stood among them
On the terraced hills and streets
Throngs of youth
Waiting, watching, cheering
For a concert, football or some event
Once again
I was at a loss and lost
To put together my way in life
But comforted by the display
On the faces of the future
And the hope shown there
Eyes aglow
And smiles in their words
Contrasted by the despair
Like a negative reflection
On the surface of darkened alley ways
O’er those hills and peoples I flew
In the silent craft of surreal circles
Aware of a need
A nagging feeling that
I had an appointment to keep
With yet another loved one
Should I be surprised in
The light of morning
That the times past
The experience present
And the vision future
Are joined in one place
As Family, babies, friends
Life, society, death
With the cold moonstruck dew
Rising into day
Spiraling, Ascending
Toward Completion
In the brightness
The flash of heat
From eternal shores
To infinite oceans
Pure, white
Spirit’s breath
And sight
To new

Thursday, July 05, 2018

Counting On Florida

To southern Florida 1 2 3
Let’s go there just you and me
Take a hot tip for a nice trip to Miami
White sands, t-shirts and dolphins to see
4 5 6 clear jellyfish on the shining sea shore
Hammerhead sharks just above the rich sea floor
We’ll walk the green croc and the occasional alligator
As we stomp down hard on our fan boat’s accelerator
7 8 9 feeling so fine in a comfortable sweltering recline
Sipping up some bubbly sweet ice cold Moscato wine
Sleeping on a sunny beach, or snorkeling the blue coral shell
Dancing, Kissing, romancing, strolling in damp night back to the hotel
Clouds haze rolling past the moonlight’s gaze upon a glimmering ocean swell
Tides overwhelming our secret silky silent spell, hours slipping well past 10 11 12
Fireworks and starfish flung far above lighting up across the humid coastal sky
Heat lightning flashing throughout purple velvet making the heavens cry
In darkness deep lay a swimming waves keep where nothing can be seen
Only faces, feelings, visions and reelings of memories that we dream
Until foaming the waters flee away from day’s brilliant dawning gleam
White gulls and pelicans preening and teaming after fishes keen
Way down in the crashing slap of a Floridian spray and steam
Far below our perch 13 14 15 levels high up in the game
16 17 18 breathes the tanning, playing surfing scene
19 20 21 winter, spring, and summer fun in FLA’s sun
22 me and you, 23 see the sea, 24 + 1 lines, 25 alive
Add food, friends and family to join in the revelry
So I say to you old chum, away to that Shangri-La  
In happy total sum, always count on Florida.

Tiffany Song

Tiffany honey
You are so lovely
Mellow as the month of May
Tiffany honey you are my sunny day

You’re in a quandary
We’re having a baby
We got no money to play
Tiffany darling everything’s gonna be ok

Sometimes get moody
Happy and angry
Colder than a winter’s day
It doesn’t matter, we work it out anyway

We could get married
With friends and family
Wedding bands and everlasting vows
Dry your eyes Tiffany, let me see you smile

Now we’re together
It’s not always easy
Wouldn’t have any other way
Sweet loving Tiffany and kids, we’re a family.

Precious Sail

Precious sail on whom the winds did prevail
When you were but young and pale
Filled you up and carried you in heavy gale
Who can tell of the hell cast in the open sea
When far out the wind cries away with thee
When black clouds the hull enshroud
And you reach out a friendly hand noble and proud
As you list from side to side in the heave and pitch
What devil, what witch would sling thee into watery ditch
But you were beautifully made and strong
Who would have predicted you’d round the horn
Not once, not twice but so many, many times in life
Only to spy the ice at the poles and the equator slice
No matter the sea squalls and ice, you had been tied thrice
Set tall and wide along the splintery oaken mast
From the time the silk was sewn your life was cast
Made like a morning mist ‘neath the sun, of finest silk
Embracing ocean’s breath with cloth, coursing o’er the wavy depth
Were you running away from terror or pursuing a dream
Both perhaps, in sailing’s up and down stormy scheme
With bell overhead and rippling flag the sound did nag
Bell Ringing, or tolling, then clanking out like a sea hag
Flag snapping, and cracking or hissing of something wrong
Yet sometimes happy like a bird you sang a joyful song
Sounding the depths and anchoring sunny safe harbor
Set about by children and pets playing in grass and arbor
Until the next journey to the cape should begin
Another battle with storm and sea to be won
The little seaside town kept vigil for your return
Spyglasses peering, tracking horizon up and down
Fiery sunset turned blackest night to reddened eyes
Then dazed sunrise catching salty hearts by surprise
Whitecaps riding sweeping gusts of shrieks and cries
Brought news, the lighthouse stood in disbelief and sighs
Your vessel had broken in violence against the reef
Sliding down watery embankments in tempest deep
But you, it is said, were broken free of moorings and taken
Carried up on high in beautiful display a by whirlwind in the sky
Dolphins, Terns, gulls, pelicans and pipers yet travel sea and coast
Hoping to see you in windswept coat and then to the world of your glory boast
But you are sure to be found in the heaving hearts of friends who loved you most

For Maggie May in fond memory of M. Shelley

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Fine Feline Fellow

In the baby’s breath of morning
With the sun’s face warmly calling
Came a sound outside my window
I spied there a fine feline fellow
Shining coat, eyes of yellow
Black and white, lithe and rippling
Exotic moment; I felt like Rudyard Kipling
Psssht! Said I, dressed in my bedroom array
Surprised, tail saluting he scurried quickly sidling away
Later at the breakfast table
Between the bites of oats and maple

Outside, rustling green leaves in the orange tree’s 2nd story
Up the branch padded the cat in all his stalking glory
Out came I to offer him helping arms and hands
But his fierce and glowering look spoke of other plans
So I went back into the house, onto coffee, sugar and cream
As I grabbed my leather bag to leave, I heard the mouser scream
Cup, bag and keys in hand, I rushed out the back door
Mr. 9 lives was in the garden, like a dragon on the moor
What hobbit had he seen that spooked his lives to 8?
As a giant I peered down intently through the many flowers sweet
Senses alerted but finding naught and the hour was getting late
When suddenly he pounced back into the flora bed, earnestly in a crouch
But something moved, and with hair straight and his back up in an arch
The puss jumped high and away from his march, right out of his boots
As something prehistoric hissed and backed into the bushy roots
The big Lizard’s tail switched violently as I caught his terrible gaze
In an instant the fairy monster had disappeared into the greenery’s maze
The kitten wanted to pursue, but with water I shoo’d him away
Then I went off to office work and he to sunny play.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Everything Is Broken


Everything is broken
Everything falling down
The things I thought I knew
The people that I’ve known
The sadness of it all
Like Ophelia’s gown
Plunged in darkest waters
Begins to pull one down
Weight upon the shoulders
Weight upon the back
Bursting heart asunder
Tired soul’s hope doth crack
Looking to the sky
Look into the earth
Ask the question why
Shadows cloak the girth
Clothes of burlap sack
In the falling ash
Turn ‘round wondering eye
All the world is black
Where is friend and family?
Who hath made us foes?
Killing with our words
Ugly thoughts come and go
Tangled forests of the mind
Melting globe’s failing show

Bathed in  moonlit lava flow
Piercing lilith’s terabinth
Glowing sweat upon the brow
Running out the breath
Wearying the violent clay
Pale in swamp and pouring rain
The whooping crane flies away
Dost thou flee a lost friendship's pain
Or be ye a shade upon the land
Sent to rent the cloth once sane  
Deathly soldier with sickle in thy hand
O roaring destroyer come among us, 
Go back From whence you came,
Away from warm hearth's loving brand
Kill not the rose, 
Cast not thy poison o'er the brae
Descension, hate and lies sowing in the heart of man
May you and cursing die in the blinding light of day
When the brilliant shock of Heaven’s Sun 
Doth reign life upon us once again.

Sunday, May 13, 2018


Walking in the morning mists of Springtime
Her dewy kisses bringing forth the blossoms
Nursemaid to her young in mountain and meadow
Wet nurse to the wild and tame creature alike
Giving birth to the beginning tender months
Darling white April, dearest pink and blue May
Chased along by handsome ruddy June
In every heart the music of life abounds
Melodies of discovery, and songs of love
A redolent cornucopia of colorful progeny
Buttercup, Daisy, and Dandelion fine
Grape, Citrus and Honey in red and white wine
The green of grasses, shimmering leaves and swaying trees
Flying birds and glimmering bugs, shiny fish and little feet
Gentle sun upon his bed of clouds beaming with pride
Fixes a bow curving down through the wide heavens
In celebration of motherhood and the arche of creation
Here the eternal and finite in amorous embrace
Restore hope and joy as the cold sleep of winter melts away
Displaying beauty and the newness what is now
Shedding light on what should be, and filling the senses with hope
Touched by the caressing wind's foretelling of a more glorious Spring yet to come!

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Wheat in the Grainery

Wheat in the Grainery

O the stupidity of bureaucracy
The mendacity and monotony
With its tendency toward autocracy
And condescending snobbery
Conditioning thoughtless lobotomy
On the masses in chicanery
Till from the grave with lilting melody
Muffled voices cry in harmony
To the headless horsemen of plenary
You shovel dirt and filth and sod o’er me

With head down as wheat in the grainery
Be ye not dismayed with the foolery
Rather look on it like a magic serendipity
Serving not the masters of inefficiency
Conversely, employed in a congenial reality
Extending a hand to forgotten needy humanity
To thankful friend, community and family
Unto One, who shouldered man’s brutality
Sheltering us from our certain mortality
Thus enobled and contented, we engage our capacity

Monday, May 07, 2018

Head of the Vale

Head of the Vale

Two hearts alive in love
Softly holding one another
In the warm flood of yellow light
We stood high up at the head of the vale
Rolling down and spreading out before us
A blanket full of life and many shades of green
The Wind spoke heaving sighs of silence
Greeting our faces with cool streams
Perched upon a palatial sandstone
The lizard welcomed our advance
A king snake bade our leaving goodbye
Hissing quickly up the hilly underbrush
Hawks pointed out the trails below
Circling far above with large eyes
Tattooed under the raptors' winged expanse
Rabbits played and ran
Coyotes hid In their dens
From each passerby shown a fair countenance,
Like the flowers of blue, red and yellow,
Of serene happiness for the chance
To walk, to breath, to see, and to feel the rigor
Of the curving way once again in the spring of life
To experience the dancing animated vitality 
And the buzzing of little wings
Before the hills, trees, wild grass and bush
Must once again become brown
With every step down into dry gravel
Bringing up the hot dust.

Sunday, May 06, 2018

Beautiful American

O Say can you see by the dawns early light
The beautiful american standing on your foreign shore
With lots of ideas and money to buy more
At uncle Harrah's big fat store....
Smoke a cigar buy a fast car and go go go
To the countryside or late picture show 
Because you know its the beautiful American way