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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Feral Fellow - with audio

Audio Link

Thursday came in the cascade of days
It rained down like an avalanche
Rolling down upon eyes that
Could not see the oceans blue sky
For the mists that yet rested
In the minds valley
(pause breathe) Ahhhhh

Come now and walk upon the rocky peak
Wind on down through the hollow
Pass under by the mild mannered Ponderosas
Upon the dust and dirt worn path
Up around the bend and back again
Aching hinge and stubborn ligaments
(pause breathe) Ooooo

Pour down the social cup
Piece together the puzzle
Of the yet tender day
Purposefully proposed thanksgiving
For those loved, lost and living
As peace can make a home in that place
(pause breathe) Mmmmm

Journey beyond the morning garden
To another of worker bees and marching ants
The telltale signs appeared announcing
His presence, that feral fellow
He was there though out of sight
Fowling up the bushes and corners
(pause breathe) Tisk tisk

Wallowing in the throws of life
Vacant uncaring blue eyes
Scanning sunbeams awash in warmth
Desiring nothing, needing no-one, cleaning sullied paws
Coming near he speaks an empty greeting
Listlessly forgotten the days of bloodied prey
(pause breathe) Umhmp

Swatting at a fly, capturing a cricket
Earnestly hunting down an old lizard skin
Rustling in the breeze and thorn
But these are the secrets of another creature
How dare one condescend to put to pen
That which is forbidden, and primitive
(pause breathe) Sigh, .. oh

Is he in his unkept imperfections
Not, but a shadow of ourselves
Does not the pool of words
Give cause for one's own reflection
Oh Diviner of hearts were it not so
That colored inklings should so paint another's expression.

Pslam 103:14-16
14 For he understands how we are made,
he remembers that we are dust.
15 Yes, a human being’s days are like grass,
he sprouts like a flower in the countryside —
16 but when the wind sweeps over, it’s gone;
and its place knows it no more.
Psalm 8: 4-9
(3) When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and stars that you set in place —
(4) what are mere mortals, that you concern yourself with them;
humans, that you watch over them with such care?
(5) You made him but little lower than the angels,
you crowned him with glory and honor,
(6) you had him rule what your hands made,
you put everything under his feet —
(7) sheep and oxen, all of them,
also the animals in the wilds,
(8) the birds in the air, the fish in the sea,
whatever passes through the paths of the seas.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Life, Death and Remembering Our Loved Ones - with audio

 audio link

"... Lay me down like a stone, O God, and raise me up like a loaf,"
- Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace, Ch. XII

I received the phone call full of restrained words, that they had taken ill 
The soft voices, spoken prayers, eternal hopes, miraculous dreams
In that stillness of shaken hearts we wished and offered our support
Part of us knowing the certainty of sadness to follow
A little while longer and our loved one was gone; taken from us

Retreating into the garden of quiet wandering and drifting thoughts, 
I began to reflect on the Following; Sleep comes to us all, covering us, 
As we slowly struggle and fall, with an Irresistible Blanket of peace. 
Each winter season brings its news once more and only time Serves to Cushion the blow, 
Till it becomes like a bell tolling in the distance. 
Our friend has Overcome Great hardship and we now join in this endeavor 
With help from one another, and A loving hand from above.

The motion of leaves whispering before the storm
Is it not like the footfall of those we now recall?
Faces turned to shades of memory hidden in the heart
As moonbeams hiding in the folds of satiny clouds
Announce the great light's silhouette, though it be obscured

Are not the raindrops that fall out of heaven's door
Messengers that come to refresh the land and its people?
To bring good news upon the great and small of life and of cleansing?
Are they not but a mirror of our tears and the outpouring of our hearts and souls, 
Renewing the deepest parts of each, helping each to love one another?
For a seed has been brought to bear in the earth, to grow blossoms and fruit
So that now the landscape is peopled with plenty, and each bosom is full.

So precious is that which cannot be bought or contained, in the sight of the Almighty.
That which is sent from on High and then returns again on the wind unseen
As it has been said "For a little seed must fall to the ground in order to give life"
The great and beautiful community of lights is made up of these, 
as are our families and Friends gathered in this place.  
The mustard seed has done what the Husbandman Intended, and we have witnessed it.  

It has Grown up into a vast network of love, Of sowing, of harvesting and of abundance here today. Are not the words and deeds of those remembered here with us now, as the sunshine that comes after the showers to warm and brighten all things? Do we not see the gifts of our loved ones expressed in the faces of our friends and family?
When we do, our Maker walks with each one, and holds us for a little while
And so we celebrate the diamonds mined deep within the earth,
The gleaming of purest gold, the sparkle of dazzling jewels and the fine color painted tapestries, as we look upon the treasures of life, and celebrate those who've left us.

The good are taken from us, as the world cannot countenance them any longer
It turns away from the evening, only to behold the dawning of a new day elsewhere.
Each friend is like a fine wine, rich in sweetness and royal color, satisfying the Heart And calming the mind. Gathering together, each enjoys the blessings of one another's company, And in this way joy shall overtake our sorrow, until it is time to rest. 
So it is then, That we in this life should be like a loaf of braided egg bread, 
Sprinkled with the laughter of our Children, friends and loved ones, 
Like poppy seeds, sesame seeds, and raisins.  
When Looking upon It one sees not the beginning, nor the end, 
But rather, only, the sumptuousness of its sun-like yellow, 
The filling richness of its doughy taste, and the exalted Pleasure of its Rising


Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Chasing Life - with audio

audio link

When I was a little child
I chased my food

As a young boy
I chased my friends

While I grew
We all the chased the sun

Later on as a teenager
I chased the rainbows

When I was a young man
I chased the girls and many dreams

As I got a little older
I chased marriage, home and community

While a father
I chased after my children and my love

Later on in midlife
I chased success and vanity

Sometimes, I chased futility

When I was a little older
I chased black cars, souls of loved ones, friends and acquaintances

As I continued on in this journey
I chased health and physicians

After I was slowed down
I slowly chased meaning and forgiveness

Later on while laying in the years
I chased the wind

Then, when time and chasing life stopped
I was caught up in a Place, HaMakom

Chastened, made chaste, chased into Eternity.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Again Gone Lost - with audio

audio link 1

audio link 2

I am again
What I was once then
A meandering vine,
A Bedouin
Wandering through
From place to place
Not belonging
In any one space
Like a tumble weed
Blown along
In a black and white
Cowboy song
Long goes the way
But so short the occasion
A shepherd, not brave,
Yet sometime brazen
Having failed to speak
And then too much
A wayward boy
Again gone lost
Past and future
Ripped asunder
Gives the thoughtful
Soul to wonder
Life unreconciled
Strewn about
Synthesized in dreams
Of the heart

Friday, November 21, 2014

Blah Blah Blah - with audio

audio link

Blah Blah Blah turns the clock
Blah Blah Blah crows the cock

Lie, lie, lie all the more
A sea of hands toil and sell

In the soul
Tolls the bell

What the truth is
Who can tell

Ask the King o'r your head
When you lay thee down to bed

Government meetings
Solicitor pawns

Brokered beginnings
A new day dawns

Enforcers ride the tide
Money, fear, power, pride

Keep the sheep
Like shepherd dogs

From wandering down
Forbidden roads

Dumbfounded, downtrodden
Lowly, oppressed

Keep your heads down
The magicians know best

Scramble now, no not to rest
Please the parents in the nest

High above
In gilded Towers

Hoping below
For candied showers

Try to run
While they take and take

In this life
No escape

Hope then on
Kingdom come

Trembling those
Who hold the gun

There the dawn
Of Freedom's Sun

Birthing out eternity
Giving Death to tyranny

Bitterness gone,
Grapes trampled down

The fig tree blossoms,
Praises resound

Pour out now from the vine
A bouquet of sweetest wine

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Bearing with the Bard ( for Pat) - with audio

audio link

The bear came to my table
Strong and able
Telling of the field and meadow 
All with great longing he 
Wanting company and tea
a very sociable fellow

He drank my wine
Ate my loaf in time
Whilst visiting for the day 
Wanting to play an affable host
and turning white as a ghost
I invited him to stay

He taught me how to hunt and fish
For berries in the chocolate ice cream dish
He waxed philosophical
Then lectured on earth and religion
Making points to man with precision
Of saints, and Shakespeare metaphysical

Though gruff and snorting
With fearful cavorting
He meant no harm you see 
By and by as hours past 
Making all clear at last
We learned of his history

None dared move him from his place
As in the several hours space
He licked his paws and all plates clean
Til off to bed we crept
Above the angels laughed and wept
Watching down upon the scene

When came thereafter the morning dawn
There he was upon our lawn
He quoted me his poetry
But my ears they could not hear
Then came upon me a kind of fear
My mind bewildered at the symmetry

I realized then that by some magic spell
While stumbling into the camp of day
As if still in the night of forest play
For reason that no one could tell
Sitting quizzical on me his wide eyes stared
That grizzly bruin once so terrible, had been made a bard

While I uncivilized, held others at bay
My Dragons breath, and claws bid them pray 
A grumpy growl said, not now, don't care
There found in me, my heart and eyes
By some twist of fate to my surprise
This Nick Bottom, who thought himself so wise,
Had in the night changed places so that he was now the bear.

epilogue: serves to make one take note of bearings and moorings;
Contemplating proclivities on the high seas of humanities' knees.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Banjo Song - with audio

audio link

A. Carry me away by and by
Through the trees on the breeze way up high
Lay me deep down in love by the Grand Canyon river 
so that I might rise with the doves

A. O little bird, o tiny bird
Darting in and out of blossoms like a bee
Like a rainbow cross the sky, as you buzz to and fro, 
Humming songs that set the lovers heart free

B. In the eyes of a child, saw a lovin pure heart
It gave me joy, it gave me joy
Watch em run all about, hear em scream hear em shout
Fair blessed goodness is each girl and boy

A. So, Cast me off, Cast me off now and then
Just like Jonah and the sea faring men
Send me far below in the belly of the whale,
spit me up on dry land once again

A. Looking up at your face in the dome of night
Moon and Stars swimming in the deep and wide
I get dizzy as the wind spins this old world around
Wheel in wheel beneath His majesty on high

B. In the meadow stands a man and a wife
With the flowers, full of love and the strife of life
Cast your cares upon Him, the bright morning star
So that the little children might know peace.

A. O' Catch me up, catch me up, take me away
In the Heavenly Host's eternal day
Like Enoch and Elijah in a chariot of flame
Bowing low before Jerusalem's King

B. Sky below and Sea above
Curling wind playing in the sun's face of love
There's a secret rarely told, what gives life to a soul
Warmth, joy and laughter in a well-lit home

A. Lay me down, lay me down, down to rest
Let the tombstone read: he did his best
To humbly care for those on earth
While givin praise to the One above
Please raise him up in the Savior's love

A. Carry me away by and by
Through the trees on the breeze way up high
Lay me deep down in love by grand canyon river 
so that I might rise with the doves

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Wind and Sky - with audio


In the darkness came a light cast down as a shield of love and encouragement

Then the wind blew in from the north like a bony finger poking me in the ribs

It was cold and relentless, it blew up the mountainsides and over the snowy peaks

Spraying the dancing prisms in every direction like flocks of white arctic terns

It blew down the slopes and filled the Valleys in the black of moonless nights

Banging metal gates, chasing palm fronds, like limbs with giant hands, leaving husks behind on the street

That looked like dried up sea turtles that had lost their way,
causing strife among all

It blew over my nights, in my sleepless dreams, and then onto sunlit harrowed day

There, breathing threats, anguish and fears in the breast of beasts, and in the families of man

The winds crashed through the window of life onto the desktop, scattering script and parchment

Blowing letters right off the page; passing them over one week of days and into the next

Blasting they came over  and over, like restless whispering souls in the swirling strokes of The Starry Night

Herded, pushed, and lead along by the unseen beating wings of countless celestial singing angels

It blew in sickness and then carried it out again with the dust and leaves and old papers strewn about

The hand of the Great unseen Spirit sent the wind to cleanse the land, to scrub it clean and to test each one

It came to refresh the air and all the creatures in its path like children waiting to be clothed and fed

So forceful was the caress from this tide of unseen waves that it swept the future into the past,

As it broke into my sleep again and again so that I wandered aimlessly and anxiously

Walking and working in places of the past, lost and confused,
making deals for no one, disoriented in the once familiar,

Searching out friends that were no longer there, trying to find my way back in other cities and times

Then a voice spoke from within my sleep, within my heart saying; “today is one of special happenings”

“A time of new beginnings,” but someone called my name, and then again, till I awoke and went with her

She took my hand and showed the way outside to the yard, and gestured toward the sky in awe

Dawn, covered in a stunning onward stretching shout of, burnt reds, pinks, and mauves,

Gentle, looking down upon us in innocence like a big blue eye baby covered in rose petals

The wind agreed to be silent for a while, as was the morning,
so that every still bosom might drink the milk of the newborn day

This Winter's day every beating heart,  great and small is renewed and the world is given life once more

There we were,  a part of it all,  I in my T-shirt and boxers, 
Love in her robe,  smiling at one another,

Sunlight in our hearts and in the eyes of our children.

Monday, December 02, 2013

Love's Embrace - with audio

audio link 

Forget now One
and here bequeath
Many deeds done, 
Behind, beneath
all the words said
Time to brush teeth 
digest the day's bread

Don once more 
the clown like clothing
Give into gravity 
tired bodies groaning
Fidget about lights 
huddled little tiny cares
Whisper Scriptures, 
speak quiet prayers

Cold night 
warm bed
Lay beside 
the one I wed
Gentle breath, 
heart thats giving
Reminds one now 
life's worth living
Kindness there 
in love's embrace
Soft the utterance
of heaven's grace
Then plunder slumber 
in sleep's chamber
There the soul 
to unencumber
Swiftly sort and 
sweep away
Seasoned reason
Tangled day
Shadows, shades, 
memories, ghosts
Dragons, bears, 
tigers, boasts
Fears, tears, 
hoping visions
Family, friends, 
not forgotten
Falling, flying, 
floating skies
Stars upon the 
flowing midnights
Turn and churn 
within the clouds
Misty frosts, 
life's lovings crowd
machinations, planning
Dizzy scheming
The mind 
brings forth 
in crazy dreaming
Confused images 
of silly stages
Tug on covers 
each engages
Falling down 
back into bed
Reaching out 
in darkened stead
Safe harbor from 
wind and storm
Silent wisdom 
enraptured forms
Stay until 
the dawn arise
Fix thereon the
spirit's bright eyes
Eternal One 
restores each soul
Thank the creator 
shuffling on to goal
Fuzzy clarity 
innocent warning
Calling out 
to each 
good morning

breakfast spree
coffee, tea
soap and face
then off 
to race
Now again 
with sleep unfurled
bring this comfort 
into the world
Each on pace 
to busied place

Within cups 
FROM love's 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Grand Design - with audio

audio link

The grand design it snow blinds
Great life travels on and unwinds
The powers commanded failing
Exasperations of the future flailing
Nuclear Fires fanning
Quantum leaps spanning
Waves come in with foam
Out roaring again they go
But the staircase seems to get sharper
With each step ever cutting steeper
Ticking tells the fierce lion sleep
His place gives way to timid sheep
Camellias bloom and petals fall
Winged ones fail the ear to call
Appetite like the moon wanes away
Little fears fill the night and day
Morning prayers weakly spoken
Dreams inside the night awaken
Forgotten childhood's loving lost
Longing family feelings past
Mighty steed slows down his pace
Mane grows grey, to pasture race
Garden blooms lie down their bed
Once fecund, now their leaves to shed
Who can tell the wind not to blow
The colder north no frost to show
Sooner stop the world from turning
Better stop the fish from swimming
The breath comes in and turns about
Heart marches on with legs once stout
Climb the way of snowcapped mountain
Flow against the river boatman
Each step is heavier on the path
The knife cuts an ever duller swath
Fuzzy fellows in the trees
Past the point where vision sees
Comes along the misty mind
Shady weeping willow kind
Lazy Political and spiritual reflections
Gone the hard chinese elections
Tired limbs pull on the sleigh
Comforting is the setting day
Little ones now all grown up
Testing lessons, jewels yet rough
Weaker hands fold and pray
More's the cost, Less the pay
Set about in and out
Meaningless to fight and shout
No time to listen less to care
All that's left is love to share.