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Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Three Words - with audio

audio link

On the wings of fervent prayer
My love caught me unaware

Come away with me my love
Let me hold you in my arms

Holding hands walking side by side
Dreams and hopes in love are spoken

Shadows flee away from our love
We like doves are lifted by the dawn

Our love is like the Jasmine
Wild, fragrant, and flowering

The red pomegranate speaks of our love
With orange blossoms and nightingale's song

Sun and moon and the starry host above
Together with the Spring must boast of our love

When our eyes meet with kisses sweet,
And loving hearts are joined eternally

Three words with passionate longing pursue
I love you, I love you, I love you.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

The Dove - with audio

audio link

Through many a veil and sandstorm
The scent of myriad desert flowers called out
Seeking passage in the whispering of the wind's
Hot breath blown upon the hills of a Holy Land

Dervishes turned and beggars  gathered around the square's
Source of water to the sounds of rattling old carts and
The crowds of the bazaar, the sun shown down commanding
Beauty to dance in the lines on the faces of an ancient people

There yellowed pages restlessly unfolded and Torah
Scrolls were opened in a place where Moses was not forgotten
The strains of King David's Psalms were expressed in voice,
Plucked out on the lyre, and then tished and tapped on the timbrel

A lone dove caught the rising scent of the desert blossoms
And carried it to the Psalms' expressive songs emanating from the people
There they mingled, aroma and prayer, in the ripples on the surface of a pool
That never ran dry, and the Dove's reflection traveled over the water

Once captured in the Sun's powerful rays, the Dove's descent
Was blindingly beautiful and a glorious vision,  gasps were heard,
And time seemed to stand still for the many pilgrims who had stopped
To refresh themselves with a dipper of the pool's life giving water.

From the moment of the Dove's first appearance, there arose from the pool
A mist each morning and evening,  that lifted with it the sweet savor and song,
It was a mixture of many a soul's longing,  praise and thanksgiving
Ascending into the presence of the Almighty One in the highest heavens above

The God of Salvation held out His Right Hand in mercy and compassion
The rising vapor upon touching the finger of Hashem (THE NAME), began at once to descend
Only now it was transformed, into a falling rainbow broken into sparkling droplets of dew
And within each one's brightness and colors was represented the promises of His Eternal Love

As millennia passed, life and commerce in the noisy market place, continued to flourish
And to this very day - there is yet a point of light reflected down from high above,
Dancing upon the pool in the old square where long ago the scents of  Etrog and Myrtle,
With Psalms of joy, music and prayer were wed together by a Dove in the morning light

The pure water remains radiant in the sun each day and in the moonlight at night
It is a healing balm and a source of life to the thirsty spirit of every weary sojourner
They, together with the hearts of all the many peoples of the old kingdom, await patiently for the Return of the Dove and the coming of the Bridegroom within the heart of Jerusalem, City of Gold.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

You - with audio

audio link

When I am afraid
You see the child
A crying man
You hold me
In your arms
You give me
Your hand

You are my candle
In shadows dark
My companion
As I embark
Light on the way
You are my guide
On stormy sea
You are my peace
Among the turmoil
You never cease
You fill my
Lamp with oil

You are my
Health and shield
To your love
I gladly yield

Love Is Not Dependant - with audio

audio link

Love is not dependent
On being with another, what others think,
Vaunted sex, social status, or looks

It is not at once passionate
And then disillusioned, rather it endures
Love is not possessive, but patient and kind

Love leaves room for thought and understanding
Freedom, autonomy, reaching out and compassion
Love is more than just passing knowledge, it is active

Love is a happening from beyond our existence
Apart from our efforts, love lives, touching all
Forgiving, believing, overcoming, hoping

Love is the author of miracles, a courageous spirit
Love brings us pain, sadness, joy and gladness
It brings us together and cares for us when we're apart

Love makes a fountain of an empty heart
It makes sense of chaos, wisdom of foolishness
Loves is healing, building up, renewing, eternal.

When we open ourselves to love
All things good and right are possible
Love watches over and serves all things great and small

Love creates and holds the multiverse together
Light, darkness, creation, and brings us little children
To seek love, help others, find peace, happiness and life.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Holidays Far and Away - with audio

audio link

The glowing red embers were dying away
As the young girl drove off after evening prayers,
With chestnuts, hot tea and short bread cookies
Roasting in the still, bright fires of her mind

The host was gone to bed after offering
The young traveler the dainties of a cozy guest chamber
Her goodnight flew down the stairs
Like a stocking filled with candy

Her thoughts were aflame, filled with snaps of
Images and the ribbon of feelings from her past
Tidings of family, friends and all the persons
Whom she had known and loved over the years

The old clock like one whose mind could not be made up,
Pointed decisively first this way, then again that way
With it's long brass arm and disk, until the rhythmic
Telling became the subtle heartbeat of silent thoughts

The old folks, Nellie and Lynus, lay in slumber
Visioning a more peaceful time and day, like a silent film
Of flowers and the waving of wheat, within which
One might view the embodied freedom of their souls

Kindred distanced from us by time and space
Swirled into dreams with a kaleidoscope of happy memories
The angels marveled at how softly each breath was taken
The fluttering of eyelashes, soft chuckles and rosy complexions

The Eternal One was working miracles this night
Across town, the young miss arrived home,
Took off her shoes and was quickly into her sleeping gown
Then hopping into bed she bade the house pets to join her

After reading a few verses of Edna St. Vincent Millay
To all the curious eyes and pointed ears on the bed
A  ponderous sigh expressed itself on her countenance
While escaping from deep within her gentle frame

Life, she thought, how wonderful and mysterious
As the enchantment of midnight overcame the day's excitement
The girl could no longer feel the room's cold air about her
Only her little friends and the stars above were aware of her quiet smile

The green leather sofa murmured from beneath his form
As the bell in the old clock called the young traveler's name
Sleepy burning coals hissed, sputtered and tap-danced a kindly lullaby
Faintly hinting of the hearth's earlier fire outlined by the room's darkness

Thus, Christmas eve, passed into one with Christmas day
The angels in Heaven rejoiced while the hilltops
Changed from the shadows of night to the pinks of dawn
And merry became the sun's rising as the birds sang with our spirits

So shall peace remain in our hearts and thoughts beyond the fullness of time
We rejoice and give thanks, because the Almighty one has seen to all this,
Awakened his creation once more this day, wrought wondrous things,
And even now continues to bind all things together in the Messiah's love.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Untitled - with audio

audio link

I carry with me always
Something lighter than a feather
Greater than the mighty Oceans
Brighter and faster than light
Older than the universe itself
It grows from the tiniest of seeds
A perfection that cannot be bought
All this and more is given
More than my share
Was given to me in love
The one who gave it was killed
In the process of purchasing it
Yet he still lives with more of it to give
So it is that I Joyfully give it to you
For my supply is endless
There is plenty for you
Your family and friends
Why, the whole world over
Could not exhaust the supply
However, I must tell you
It is not me who does the giving
It is my Father and another
of his sons, a prince most favored
Whose name means
The Almighty salvation,
Wisdom, and eternal healing
Is here among and with us
If you believe in these
And your lips have spoken of it
Then you already have
The gift that is being offered.

Plateau of Peace - with audio

audio link

Sunset balances red upon the hills
Stealthy quiet has reached it's plateau
Somewhere, a train moans out a warning
Long loving thoughts of home return

Fleeting mauves, silence once more
Peace seems to have settled
In shadowy cedars feathery branches
Crescent moon holds up a
Violet canopy of flickering stars

Gaudy streetlight, cars hum by
Confusion among the fauna
Sidewalk whispers telling stories
Revealing wooden heels, and
Voices off in the distance
A child's crying is soothed

Waxen green tendrils warmed
By the buttercup yellow
Of a small window lamp
Upstaged for moment
By the crackling snap and sweep
Of dry Summer leaves caught
With twigs beneath my steps

Strange, the fascination
Of all things encountered
Captivating the imagination
As we behold life
In the reverie of our existence
Gentle, the swaying of spirit
Calm, are the many waters
Still is the soul at peace.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Silent Slumber - with audio

audio link

Sweetly Silent
Is my slumber

With God above
In heavens' chamber

Raging Storm
Outside is heard

Stirring up
Dusty dessert

Hot air mixes
With oceans breath

A dog's bark breaks
The howling night

It is morning
And black as pitch

Tomorrow brings
A day of saints

Violently submits
Sleep to capture

Await dawn's face
Love's light enrapture

Friday, April 21, 2017

Ocean and Orchid - with audio

audio link

Even the mightiest ocean
Soothes the ear and
Humbly licks the shore

Every Orchid
No matter how beautiful
Starts in the dirt

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Tiny Dancer - with audio

audio link

There came a tiny dancer
A twinkling in my eye
Kind words were sent a prancing
More comely by and by
The air was light and fancy
Fair music was her hair
Fierce winds her fanfare coming
Her farewell sweet breezes were